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Monday, February 06, 2006 


Some quotes from our local newspaper on this sad day credited to Steve Kelley:

"They will look at the game film later this week and realize they should have been ahead about 24-0 at halftime. They will see that they kicked the Pittsburgh Steelers up and down Ford Field",

"But they will also see the blizzard of mistakes and they will wince at what might have been.".

Our stats for the game were decent, we beat Pittsburgh in rushing yards, first downs, and passing yards. And that makes it sound like we won... And we probably SHOULD have won.

The calls were questionable at best.. and then there were the calls that were just plain BAD. That WASN'T a touchdown, he MOVED the ball over the line after he was down. That WAS a touchdown, there was no pass interference... Pittsburgh called time out AFTER the play clock was at zero... it was crazy I say. Realistically had we received the touchdown we should have, and had Pittsburgh not been allowed their touchdown, even if nothing else happened in the game, we would have won by 3. After all the bad calls the momentum just fell from there. We dropped passes that should have been caught, that sad little interception was ugly, and we just didn't pull it together to make up for the bad calls....

In the end no one played a great game, it was mediocre football at best. Pittsburgh did a decent job in the second half and pulled it out. Can't turn back time, so we'll just go with the old Seattle adage of "we'll get 'em next year"!

But hey, Seattle made it to the SUPERBOWL!!!! That's CRAZY! And awesome... (let's just pray that Shaun Alexander signs with us for next year!).

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  • From Washington, United States
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