I know I've said this before, but that site is so awesome!!! If anyone out there reading this has even played ONE console video game, you must go and check out this fabulous woman.
And she just got a great new job - you'll have to check the site to see...
Love her, love that site, keep up the good work!!! (the link is over there, so click on it!).
Other than that, I cannot believe it, but I have nothing new to report. I had a girls night on Saturday, we played games it was fabulous. Friday night I went out with a friend of mine and he spent 5 hours, literally, 5 hours playing pull tabs and text messaging on his phone. He then proceeded to get extremely drunk, forcing me to get ugly in order to make him not get in his car and drive. I don't particularly like yelling in public, but in this case it was justified. (Of course I took him outside to yell at him, I didn't do it in the bar, so I guess it wasn't exactly "public".) I just love my friends, and I prefer that they don't die! Or kill others, or go to jail or any of the other horrible things that can happen when one drinks and drives. But, I won the argument, he got in the car and let me take him home. And ya know what? He called me the next day and said "Thank you SO much for caring about me enough to NOT let me get in my car and drive". Yep, never try to reason with a druk person, just force them in the car, get them home and to bed, and talk to them the next day... even if it gets ugly. It's worth it. :o)
Ok I best get some more work done, have a good day, I'll write more soon.