I'm so annoyed with Yahoo right now. Of course they are VERY tricky and don't give any phone number information anywhere so I can call and bitch at them. I'm desperately trying to get into my e-mail, and I can't. It suddenly doesn't recognize me. This is an account I have had for ohh the past 8 years or so??? And of course in my infinite wisdom I've never once updated my personal account, so I have NO idea what my "secret question" was, or even what zip code I as living in at the time that I signed up. So trying to get help is about impossible. They better not delete my information or my head will explode. Oh it will, IT WILL! And it won't be pretty. No siree bob! Whatever man I just want to check my FREAKING e-mail.
Anyway... Last night we had a thunder storm that scared the bejeezus out of me! It was so loud and so close to my house that everything shook and I couldn't hear the damn t.v. over it. It was amazing! The lightning lit up my entire house. It was CRAZY!!! The cat freaked out and ran under the bed.. well more like did the military crawl to under the bed. Didn't see her again for about 4 hours. It was nuts I say, NUTS! Then it poured rain. Weird that never happens here. ;o)
Oh and I suppose the fact that it's Valentine's day should be mentioned. The only thing I can say is that the boss keeps yelling "HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY" to everyone who walks in. Being that I could give two shits that it's valentine's day, my response when she did it was "ah huh". Now everyone thinks I'm a big grumpy grump. Which let's face it, I probably am.
So um, ya, happy whatever... I don't have it in me. More coffee! Maybe then I'll feel like coming back and saying something witty and clever. For now that's it for me!
My boss actually kissed everyone on the cheek this morning. Disturbing. Seriously.
Posted by
spaceface01 |
9:33 AM