Friday, April 22, 2005 


Oh so sick, hate being sick, don't wanna be sick...

Sad!!! Everyone should invest in that airborne stuff I'm tellin' ya...

Thursday, April 21, 2005 

Joke of the day...

When you feel that nobody loves you,
Nobody cares for you,
And everyone is ignoring you,
You should really ask yourself...

Am I TOO sexy?

Wednesday, April 20, 2005 


So I've been spending the last couple of days networking. I went to a networking event that turned out really cool. It was at a little coffee shop, which we took over, and I got a ton of great contacts. Then I subbed for someone in one of the groups (because I'm not an "official" member, just a guest) and I had to speak in front of the group! I swear I thought I was going to have a friggin heart attack! Though apparantly I did a fairly good job as everyone clapped and cheered when I was finished - but maybe they were just being nice? Not sure, but that's ok.

Went to the eye doctor today, what a joy THAT was... eyes all dialated, whatever - hate hearing how bad my eyes are getting...

On a side note, tomorrow is my birthday. Sad. I feel old tonight, what with the whole eye exam thing and such - I need some sleep...

So off I go!

Monday, April 18, 2005 


So this being out of work thing is a real pain in the butt. First (as you know if you read any of my other posts) I had to go to a "manadatory meeting" at the unemployment office, where they advise you that you MAY be "randomly" selected to have all of your information reviewed. That's all fine and dandy, but what they didn't tell me, was that IF I was "randomly" selected, I'd actually have to go BACK to the office for another hour and a half to sit and go over all my stuff with someone. I was under the impression that it was a "mail in" or "e-mail" type deal. So, of COURSE, I get selected. Which means I have to go all the way down there for even more drab silly stuff. I paid for my unemployment, just like my company did - so therefore, I should be entitled to RECEIVE it. But whatever, I guess I should quit complaining, at least I was eligible for it in the first place...

So Thursday is my birthday and I'm feeling especially old... tired, cranky, and old. But I'm not THAT old, I mean I'm only going to be 36, that's not old, right? RIGHT? LOL

I think the casino is the place to go for birthday celebration time. I have 3 friends who all have birthdays within 2 days of mine, (one has it on the same day, ones on the 22nd and ones on the 23rd), so we all try and go out every year to "celebrate". OH joy.

Wow, I'm quite the downer today aren't I? Sorry folks!!!!

Sunday, April 17, 2005 


I put the picture up from my trip to Vegas two New Year's ago, because it was one of my favorite trips to Vegas. Those of you who read about my New Year's this year know why it was a bitter sweet trip...



I'm going to Cabo, I'm going to Cabo, la de da de dabo... (picture me dancing around, singing that at the top of my lungs!).

I can't wait to go on vacation, warm sandy beaches, sunshine EVERY day instead of this depressing rain (which you'd THINK I'd be used to what with being born and raised here, but WHATEVER.), a nice man named Julio bringing me drinks whenever I ask... ahhh, Cabo. Wonder if I can talk anyone into going fishing with me?

I'm going for a wedding, it should be beautiful. They're a nice, funny, happy couple, and I'm very excited for them. I'm even MORE excited that I'm just going, and I don't have to be IN the darn thing.

VERY VERY excited to go to Cabo.. This will be the 4th time - and if it wasn't for the wedding I'd probably branch out and pick a new vacation destination. I try to go on some sort of trip once a year if possible. Sometimes they're not huge, (last year was a trip to the Oregon coast, but MAN was it fun!) but it's necessary to get the hell out of dodge once in awhile.

I'm a little gloomy today, what with the weather and all... so that's my sunshine news for the day.

Saturday, April 16, 2005 


Don't worry I'm not going to sit and review every single movie that I see, just every once in awhile, when something catches my fancy... so never fear, you'll still get to hear about my mundane life as well... LOL :o)


Sideways and Closer

A little movie review time (in my humble opinion).

Sideways: I don't know exactly what I expected from this movie, what with all the hype and buzz about it, but I have to admit I was a tad bored. The acting was great, Thomas Hayden Church did a great job with his character, I really did believe he was a huge cad with a huger heart when it came to his friends, and I was completely depressed by what's his butts' character, so they got me there! I enjoyed the cinematography - it was beautifully filmed. Wine country is a gorgeous place though, not sure how you could go wrong there. I learned a lot about wine, though I'm not a huge fan of it.. and I love it when Thomas got hit by the helmet and she broke his nose (but I'm giving it away, aren't I? Oh no, they showed it in the preview!). Problem? I had a hard time not picture him as the goofy Noel (Nole? Nowell?) on Wings! Remember that? I also felt it was about a 1/2 hour too long, I kept thinking - hurry up already, jeesh. The story line was ok, so overall I suppose I would give it a B-. (Remember, I'M NO EXPERT!).

Closer: I enjoyed this one more than Sideways. I actually liked it a lot more than I thought that I would. The acting was superb, I loved the twist at the end, I thought everyone did a phenomenal job. I am in LOVE with the soundtrack on this one. Julia Roberts was darker than usual, which I really enjoyed. It was a dark "romantic" type comedy with an ending that is unusual, and one that I didn't see coming - which I appreciate. I would have liked to have seen more on Julia Roberts husbands character, though his scene in the strip club was awesome. (If you haven't seen it - rent it, it's worth the $3.75). So, for this one, I'd say an A-.

As a side note: Dope Sick Love - HBO Documentary... This was VERY disturbing. HBO does such a wonderful job with all of their documentary type stories, and this one held my attention from beginning to end. Basically - the premise to this is two couples, both brought up in middle class to high class families, who end up living on the streets of New York, addicted to Heroin. It is a true documentary - there is no "commentary", no soundtrack, no scripts. You don't even hear from the filmmakers during the whole thing. It is simply the filmmakers following these two couples around for 18 months and watching their fall. It was sad, disturbing, funny at times - but mainly it was a reality check. Especially for those folks who have children. What with the wealthy gal asking her father for money EVERY DAY - and him continuing to comply with her outlandish requests. In his defense though, his thoughts are "I put this life into the world, I'm going to try every single day to improve her live". His efforts, however, are fruitless at best - as she continues to spend every dime he gives her on drugs for her and her boyfriend. It's very sad - she starts out as this beautiful young girl, and ends up with horrible skin, weighing no more than 90 lbs, and lost teeth. It was horrid, but riveting. I suggest everyone watch this documentary, it's a lesson well learned... especially if you're a drug user.

Ok - well that's it for Siesha's cinema corner... LOL Let me know if anyone has any additional comments! Have a fabulous day...

Friday, April 15, 2005 

Holy moly - I put my first picture up on my blog, how cool am I? Pretty darn cool if you ask me! :o) Posted by Hello


Vegas is CRAZY at New Year's! Everyone should go - check it out! They closed the strip so we could walk around it - and then they had a fabulous fireworks show - Only piece of advice? Pee before you go! All the hotels close their doors for about 40 minutes! :o) Posted by Hello


Well, I suck

I suck - I haven't updated my blogger in what, like a month? That's CRAZY! LOL

If anyone reads this thing, y'all HAVE to take a look at this, it's hilarious!

Man I laughed so hard! Cracked me up.

I've been helping my friend move into her new condo that she bought. Well, actually, helped her paint, put furniture together, decorate, AND move. It's been a long process, but she's finally in and settled. I'm completely jealous, because I would LOVE to buy something. But hey, I don't have the money. SAD!

Currently just discharged a bankruptcy as well. So I'll need to wait a year or two to actually buy something. I suppose that's ok - I have a great deal on the apartment that I'm in, it's big has plenty of room for me, and the rent is right. As long as they don't raise my rent too terribly much when my lease comes up, I'll stay put. (My guy friends will be SO excited not to have to help me move, yet AGAIN!).

Still trying to figure out my work life - things are all over up in the air and then down again. I have enough money to live ok - and with discharging the BK (thus saving myself $600 per month - YES I said $600 PER MONTH!) things are ok right now. But I can't live like this forever, so I'll keep plugging away...

Let's see, what else - umm, well, nothing really. Just kind of hanging out, doing my thing... I'll update this puppy more often - for the 3 of you who actually read it. LOL